The best of research is a blog that has been created to empower you and other researchers out there at conducting research in the field they are specialized in. This blog will not offer you anything complicated or too far fetched but the truth is, research in this blog will be taken as simple and practical as possible. No hard feelings folks, it will be that simple.The practice of research dates way back but that is not to say that research should be complicated or significantly hard to interpret. You see when you conduct a research all that you are trying to do is answer a question. Significantly many think that when they hear of research the first thing on their minds is an excel sheet, SPSS, STATA or any other computer software for a quick analysis. Although these are useful tools for an in depth research, you have to agree as a researcher that the first thing on your mind is that you want to answer a set of questions in order to solve a problem. Significantly, many companies and individuals acknowledge how vital it is to find answers using the easiest and less costly ways as possible.
The best tools for research should be those that make your work significantly easy and significantly cost effective, not forgetting the fact that it should significantly answer your question effectively. Statistics, information, data are things as a researcher you have to play around with no matter what.But, in the Best of Research Blog, articles will be written to suit some of your needs in specific areas that trouble researchers alot. Would you believe that some people still don't fully understand what a research actually is? Or how to write an award winning research report, would you believe that? This Blog will answer most of those questions for you. One of the many challenges that researchers face is how to actually explain their findings to an audience that doesn't fully understand statistics. Maybe just to answer that one a bit, when reporting your findings to any audience, make sure you suit your material for people who are academic and those who are nor academic.
Remember, the Best of Research isn't about diving into too much complex stuff and terminologies but we want to be able to appreciate research in a simple and cost effective way as possible. Please stay tuned to the many articles that this blog will offer.
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