A Research Questionnaire, Making it happen
A research questionnaire is a valuable tool in collecting the necessary data for a successful research activity. In the world of research, communicating your findings well will depend on accuracy and relevance. You see, most of the times, many researchers will create a really bulky questionnaire which captures so much information while most of it is not even relevant. That can be a really big problem especially when it comes to coming up with a report that people can actually appreciate. There is need to understand that research has to be well thought out in order to answer the bigger questions such as the Why? How? When? Where? Once a research is well thought out and understood by the researcher, then will it be so much easier to create a questionnaire that speaks volumes. But then, how do you create a questionnaire and what are the certain kinds of data that should be collected?Creating a questionnaire that's accurate and relevent
As a researcher always remember that a questionnaire is your tool not anybody else. You see, alot of times you may be influenced by what others say or what others have done in their researches but you should also remember that the research is really your own thing. You call the shots, you call the decisions you do the report writing. Ofcourse there is nothing wrong in comparing other peoples work and methodology to what you intend to do but the point is, your questionnaire should satisfy your information needs and other stakeholders as well.When creating your questionnaire always remember the objectives for your research. Seat down one moment and take a notepad or notebook and begin recording the main ideas for the objectives. After that realize what kind of questions should you ask and who should you interview. You need to also establish whether there is any need for interviews at all. So, first know the questions you should be asking in your research second, know who should answer those questions and how the data will be collected? Will you do it yourself or you will hire some assistants?
It is advisable for the questionnaire to be pilot tested at all cost in order to see whether there is need for any changes and just to be aware of the challenges involved in collecting the data. Remember your questionnaire should be accurate and relevant. Also establish whether quantitative data or qualitative data will be collected using the questionnaire.
Using the research Questionnaire in a proper way
After you have developed your research questionnaire and pilot tested it, then can you begin to actually use it for the real samples. But even an effectively developed questionnaire can fail if the administrator does not really know how to use it. Ofcourse, the developer of the questionnaire may be the researcher himself, but if the researcher uses assistants then there is need for an effective research training. Also, there is further need to discuss and brainstorm how and when the data should be entered. Analysis of the findings is highly important.Make the research process a success!!
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