SPSS or STATA can contribute to a good Analysis
Whenever you are done collecting all the necessary data you wanted from the field or from the sampled group, your next stage is how to start analyzing your data. Analysis is key to bringing out the right kind of information that you will be able to communicate at reporting. However, analysis can be a really hectic exercise for any researcher because at this stage of the process you already know that if you don't get it right at this stage, then what you communicate to your audience will be a major challenge. There are so many software's that aid to give a better kind analysis but most times researhers these days talk about either STATA or SPSS. But Excel can do a pretty good job as well you know, lets dive into these two softwares shall we.Researchers who Use SPSS, there feel of the programme
SPSS means statistical package for social sciences and is used on a wide range of researchers out there. Most researchers have appreciated this software from market researchers, health practitioners,government employees and alot more. SPSS software has not been only successful to researchers in carrying out an effective analysis but has also been usefull in data management and data documentation. However, as every researcher should know you need to have a strong mathematical component if you are going to use its functions to the full and appreciate the software to the full. But that shouldnt worry you at all because SPSS has a wide range of tutorials on and off the internet that you can easily learn from. So, if you are comfortable using it you can try it out.Advantages
- Those with strong mathematical skills and know SPSS well appreciate it very much
- Highly recommended for descriptive statistics
- You can enter loads of data and automatically generate analysis reports or graphs.
- Easy installation
- Costly to a common researcher
- Takes a hell of a time to learn
- If you just know the basics of analysis, you are better off using excel
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